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We went all out on this one!  I will be having a series of videos called CoffeeChats where I will discuss some of the challenges facing medical practitioners in private practice.  I started with a HIPAA compliance overview and I will be delving deeper into that subject with additional videos in the series.

HIPAA is a huge set of regulations and believe it or not over 70% of practices are not HIPAA compliant and over 79% of practices will fail their Meaningful Use HIPAA audits.  It’s a challenging landscape to try and navigate and VE Cycle Management wants to help you succeed and achieve HIPAA compliance.  Our web-based “one-stop-shop” solution CompliancyGuard can help you do this.  We will learn more about what advantages CompliancyGuard has over other services out there and why you need it during this series of videos.  Watch the first one now and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

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