How to Use Patient Reviews to Your Advantage

Did you know that almost 85% of patients use online reviews to evaluate and select physicians? If you don’t have a handle on what online reviews have to say about you and your practice, you can’t afford to do so any longer. How can you harness the power of patient reviews to your advantage?

Good Reviews Matter

Good reviews of your practice online are a big deal. The number of patients using online reviews to determine a provider is rising, along with the number of patients who count them as very important. Almost half of the patients in a 2015 survey indicated that they would consider going out of network solely based on patient reviews. If that doesn’t convince of the power of great online reviews, nothing will!

The Good News

While plenty of physicians loathe online review sites on principle, like restaurants worried about Yelp!, there is plenty to be excited about. The majority of patient reviews are either neutral, somewhat positive or very positive. When patients read healthcare reviews, they are more likely to focus on positive experiences rather than negative experiences. Only 19% of online reviews are negative. That number is high, but there are many ways to encourage good reviews of your practice without stepping into ethical hot water.

How Can You Encourage Patients to Leave Reviews?

The most important thing to keep in mind when asking patients to review you online is never to tell them what to write or to say only positive things. You should also avoid offering an incentive for a positive review, like a gift card or discount. So, how can you encourage patients to leave reviews of your practice online?

Get in the habit of proactively asking for feedback in your patient communications. When you send out an email thanking a patient for attending an appointment, include a link to popular review sites. When checking a patient out, have your receptionists give them an appointment card with the date of the next appointment and a reminder to leave a review online. By routinely reminding your current patients to review your practice online, you will increase the chance of them actually doing so. You can also start by approaching your long-term, most satisfied patients and asking them to write a patient review about your practice online.

Partner with Vetters Enterprises for Great Patient Reviews

Vetters Enterprises specializes in practice management, private practice business support and revenue cycle optimization. We can perform in-depth assessments of your practice or facility and identify potential issues. Let us keep your business as healthy as you keep your patients! Give us a call at (443) 352-0088.

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